Courses Approved for High School Registrations
These courses are open to high school students who meet all admission criteria. Courses with italicized titles below fulfill Michigan Transfer Agreement requirements. Click here for a printable list of Andrews University classes fulling MTA requirements. Consider courses outside of the transfer agreement to explore careers or begin a major early.
ART 104 Drawing I
ART 105 Painting I
ART 107 Ceramics I
ART 130 Introduction to Digital Media
ART 200 Color Theory and Use
COMM 104 Communication Skills
DSGN 150 Web Design I
ENGL 115 College Writing I*
ENGL 215 College Writing II*
FREN 171 Elementary French I
FREN 172 Elementary French II
FREN 275 Intermediate French
FREN 255 French Culture & Cuisine
FREN 280 French Conv & Composition
GBST 101 Intro to Global Studies
HIST 110 Worldviews, Cultures & Gods
HIST 117 Civilizations & Ideas I*
HIST 118 Civilizations & Ideas II*
HIST 204 American Experience I
HIST 205 American Experience II
JOUR 140 Media, Culture, and Society
LEAD 101 Fundamentals of Leadership
MUHL 214 Enjoyment of Music
MUCT 141 Music Theory I: Intro to Harmony
MUCT 142 Music Theory II: Diatonic Harmony
MUCT 151 Ear Training Lab I
MUCT 152 Ear Training Lab II
PHIL 224 Introduction to Philosophy
PHTO 115 Photography I
PHTO 116 Digital Photography I
PHTO 175 Digital Imaging
PHTO 210 History of Photography
PLSC 104 American Government
RELB 210 Jesus in His Time & Ours
RELG 225 Foundations of Missions
RELT 100 God & Human Life
RELT 225 Doctrines of Adventist Faith*
RELT 250 Personal Spirituality & Faith
SPAN 171 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 172 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 275 Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 280 Spanish Conversation & Composition
The Andrews Honors program (Sages) is open to high school seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.5+ and ACT (Math & Reading) total of 1200+ or ACT composite of 25+. These integrated thematic learning adventures require more reading and study time than most other introductory college classes, so don't plan to add a second class in the semester one of these is chosen.
HONS 105H Western Heritage
HONS 106 H Western Heritage
HONS 115H Transcribing the Self: Honors Composition
HONS 215H Scripture
ANSI 114 Introduction to Animal Science
ANSI 150 Companion Animal Care & lab
ANSI 340 Production/Management: Equine & lab
BIOL 100 Human Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology
BIOL 165 Foundations of Biology I & Lab
BIOL 166 Foundations of Biology II & Lab
BIOL 170 Rocks, Fossils & Life
BIOL 208 Environmental Science* (online only)
BIOL 221 Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 222 Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 260 General Microbiology
BCHM 120 Intro to Organic & Biological Chemistry & Lab
CHEM 100 Consumer Chemistry
CHEM 110 Intro to Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 131,132 Gen Chemistry I, II & Lab
CHEM 195 Independent Research I (0 credits Fall, Spring or Summer, with instructor approval)
ENGR 120 Intro to Engineering & Design
ENGR 180 Materials Science
HORT 136 Landscape Drafting & Graphics
HORT 137 Fundamentals of Landscape Design
HORT 150 iGrow
MATH 168 Pre-Calculus
MATH 191 Calculus I
MATH 192 Calculus II
MATH 215 Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 240 Calculus III
MATH 286 Differential Equations
PHYS 110 Astronomy
PHYS 117 Observational Astronomy Lab
PHYS 141 General Physics I & Lab
PHYS 142 General Physics II & Lab
PHYS 225 Sound & Waves
STAT 285 Introduction to Applied Statistics
ANTH 124 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 200 Cultural Anthropology*
ANTH 205 Introduction to Archaeology
BHSC 225 Global Social Issues
GEOG 110 Survey of Physical Geography
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology*
PSYC 105 Careers & Plans for the Psychology Major
PSYC 210 Introduction to Health Psychology
PSYC 301 Human Development
SOCI 119 Principles of Sociology
SOCI 160 Intro to International Development
SOCI 235 Police Organization, Administration, & Community Dynamics
SOWK 100 Introduction to Social Work
SOWK 101 Orientation to Human Services
AFLT 104 Introduction to Aviation
AFLT110 Basic Aircraft Systems
AFLT 115 Private Pilot Ground School
AFLT 121 Flight Training I
AFLT 122 Flight Training II
AVIA 140 Welding Technology
AVIA 250 Machine Shop & Lab
AVMT 114 Aircraft Basic Electricity
AVMT 116 Federal Regulations, Publications, Forms & Records
AVMT 120 Materials & Processes for Aircraft Structures
ACCT 121,122 Fundamentals of Accounting I, II
BSAD 104 Introduction to Business
CPTR 151 Computer Science I
CPTR 152 Computer Science II
CPTR 276 Data Structures & Algorithms
ECON 225 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 226 Principles of Microeconomics
FNCE 206 Personal Finance
INFS 120 Foundations of Info Tech & Lab
INFS 215 Info Systems Theory & Application
INFS 226 Info Tech Hardware and Software
ARCH 126 Drawing & Graphics Studio
ARCH 150 Introduction to Architecture
FDNT 230, 240 Nutrition* & Lab
MLSC 105 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences
MLSC 110 Medical Terminology*
NRSG 215 Intro to Prof Nursing Concepts
NRSG 366 Complementary Wellness I
PHTH 120 Introduction to Physical Therapy
SPPA 234 Intro to Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology
SPPA 270 Preclinical Observation
Important Details
- Courses available on campus and online are noted with an asterisk *.
- The high school tuition rate does not apply to fees or surcharges on specific courses, individual music or flight lessons, independent study, self-paced online or reading courses, tours or international language courses which are prerequisites for advanced degrees and courses taken off campus.
- Check you have met all prerequisites before registering for specific classes. High ACT or SAT math scores may be used to determine minimum Math Placement Exam scores required to meet Chemistry, Physics and Math prerequisites.
- Students who earn high grades in several Andrews University courses may discuss courses not on this approved list with Andrews University advisors and are invited to start the honors track
- Faculty discretion and prioritization of seats for juniors and seniors limit the number of dual enrollments in certain courses.
Learn More
- Forms: student application (dual & concurrent enrollment), school application (concurrent enrollment only)
- Print the approved course list from the Dual Enrollment Handbook
- Check the course schedule for times and sections each semester
- Dual Enrollment Registration Counselor: precollege@islmway.com or call 269.471.6323
- PreCollege Services Director: Hans Figueroa hfigueroa@islmway.com or call 269.471.3383